Ender 3 mainboard relocation case update and more.

Hi everyone!

I’ve been working more on this project, and as it often is, it has expanded a bit. 

I’ve added a place for a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W in the mainboard case, added a tool holder on the right side, where the screen used to be, added a cable mount/ strain relief for the gantry cables and a couple of other things. 

So far I’ve printed the mainboard case and it fit well, and I’ll continue printing the parts in the coming days and release them to you, my dear Patrons. 

Let me know if you have any thoughts. 🙂

Thomas the Makerviking

Ender 3 mainboard relocation case

Hi all! 

I need another printer up and running, to print the parts for Fenrir and other projects, and after upgrading this Ender 3 to direct drive, the extruder stepper motor didn’t have a long enough cable anymore. So I designed a case for relocating the Ender 3 mainboard to the back left to gain the reach I need. 

Yeah, I could have just lengthened the cable, but thought this would be a fun little side project. 

As you see I’ve also relocated the screen to the left side, to make sure the stock LCD cable is long enough, and I guess this could be handy for the lefties out there. 

I’ll start the print today, and I’ll upload it for all my Patrons when I’ve confirmed everything works as intended. 🙂

Thomas the Makerviking

Ps. I might expand on this project later with other parts for the Ender 3.

Case and mount for the DFrobot DFR0678 7″ touchscreen + Raspberry Pi

I made a case for the DFrobot DFR0678 7″ touchscreen for the Raspberry Pi, with a Raspberry Pi case integrated, and a jointed mount for 2020 and 3030 extrusions. This will be available in a day or two for you, my dear Patrons! I hope you’ll find it useful. 

Link to the Touchscreen: https://www.dfrobot.com/product-2193.html?tracking=0aPvLROlbGfK26n7ednKNfBJLcy7qcHBVBAZe2DaZewYOg9qrX8BCOSSbNmlbBGq

Link to Raspberry Pi 4: https://www.dfrobot.com/product-2028.html?tracking=0aPvLROlbGfK26n7ednKNfBJLcy7qcHBVBAZe2DaZewYOg9qrX8BCOSSbNmlbBGq

Link to Raspberry Pi 3b: https://www.dfrobot.com/product-1703.html?tracking=0aPvLROlbGfK26n7ednKNfBJLcy7qcHBVBAZe2DaZewYOg9qrX8BCOSSbNmlbBGq

Color examples for fenrir!

So, I did a thing. 

I know I’ve mainly posted the black and blue variant here and on social media, but different colors have always been in my thoughts.
The thing is, that I want everyone that builds one, to print it with the colors you want yourselves, to make it your own, and I can’t wait to see all the different color combinations you all come up with. 

The design is basically finished, and I’m still printing parts and will get the rest of the filament I need in a few days. 

I appreciate all the support!

Thanks, Thomas

Fenrir’s latest renders and project update

Hi all!

The back panel, bed frame, door lip, door hinges, and filter holder/ fan guard are printed for the prototype. I’ve also done design work since the last update. Created the mentioned door hinges, the door lip, and tweaked the designs of the back panel, bottom part, and belt locks etc.

Things take more time than I think as usual, but I still feel I have good progress on the project. I’m full steam ahead, and more updates will come soon! 

Update and updated renders of the current design

Did some small detail work on Fenrir today. Just made a flex plate and the keenovo heater for the bed, not really important to design, but wanted them in for renders etc. Other than that, I’ll be ordering filament today, so I can continue to print the parts for the first prototype.

Rapid prototyping on a 3D printer

Rapid Prototyping is a 3D printing process, during which high-quality three-dimensional layouts are created to visualize designs and make it easier to see what works and not in specific designs. This is much faster and cheaper than before the technology became available. There are a number of 3D printer technologies available and each of them has its own characteristics.

Rapid prototyping

Layer-by-layer welding (FDM) 

This technology involves the creation of 3D parts in layers, with each layer involves heating the consumable material, which is extruded through a nozzle with a hole of a certain diameter. Plastics are used for printing, but metal and even chocolate are possible. This method of prototyping is characterized by low speed, relatively low resolution, problems with fixing elements on the working surface. On the other hand, FDM is popular due to the low cost of filament, which is a significant advantage for FDM 3D printing. The most commonly used filament types are PLA (Polylactic acid), ABS (Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene), and PETG (Polyethylene terephthalate) which each has their own advantages and disadvantages. There's a lot of other types of plastics used as well, like different types of flexibles, PEEK, Nylon and so on. 

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The best upgrades for Creality Ender 3

The Best Upgrades for Creality Ender 3

The Creality Ender 3 came as a shock to the 3d printing community, and the reason is this: For a sub $200 3D printer it's shockingly impressive!
But as we know, it's possible to improve on everything.
Check out our list of the 20 best Creality Ender 3 upgrades and modifications to make the excellent 3D printer even better.

There are lots of cool upgrades and mods for the Creality Ender 3, that can improve this printer. Eventhough it hasn't been out for that long, there's lots of designs you can print on Thingiverse for instance, or you could buy cheap upgrades online, from our favourites Amazon or Aliexpress for instance. 

We've divided this article into two sections: The best Creality Ender 3 upgrades you can buy, and upgrades to print.

We'll add to this list as more upgrades show up in the market. Have we missed anything good? Comment below, and we'll have a look. 🙂 

Ender3 upgrades
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